Quench Not the Spirit

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Saturday, April 23rd, 2016.

Because there is so much confusion regarding the Holy Spirit these days it is easy to neglect His true role.

Don’t throw out the Spirit with the Pentecostal baptismal bathwater!

It has been said regarding the activities of the Godhead: the Father purposes salvation, the Son accomplishes salvation, and the Holy Spirit implements salvation.

The same could be said regarding your life in Christ.

The Holy Ghost is necessary for your life in Christ to succeed, and this requires understanding how he works in this dispensation.

The Holy Spirit is received by all that believe, and speaks His will to us through the Bible. Learn the mid-Acts Pauline dispensational perspective on the Holy Spirit, and how to walk in Him, from our recent series titled:

How the Holy Ghost Works

For His glory,

Justin “saved, sealed, and delivered” Johnson

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