I Know Whom I Have Believed

I knew not why God’s wondrous grace
to all he hath made known,
Nor how, unworthy, Christ in love
redeemed us for his own.

But now I know whom I have believed,
and am persuaded that he is able
to keep that which I’ve committed
unto him against that day.

I knew not how his righteousness
to me he did impart,
Nor how through faith in God’s shed blood
wrought peace within my heart.


I knew not how the Spirit placed,
us in Christ’s death for sin,
Nor how I could be crucified with Him,
Never my works to build again.


I knew not how my Lord may come,
to meet us in the air,
Nor where I would spend eternity,
For ever reigning with him there.

Download the sheet music and accompaniment mp3
for this hymn from our Grace Hymnal here