Mine eyes have read the glory
Of when God created Earth;
And then by man that sin entered
And entered us by birth;
God chose one man to give his seed
The promises of worth;
His faith in things not seen!
God gave Promises to Abram
God gave Promises to Abram
God gave Promises to Abram
His faith in things not seen!
I’ve read about the chosen tribes
Who walked across the sea;
God said, “If you obey my laws,
You will be blessed by me;”
But when they broke the law of God,
for sins they paid a fee;
Their faith in sacrifice!
God gave Covenants to Moses
God gave Covenants to Moses
God gave Covenants to Moses
Their faith in sacrifice!
To his own came Jesus
To confirm the promises,
“A kingdom come, sell all you have,
Repent of all your sins;
When I return I’ll judge the Earth,
keep watch and lift your chins!”
Their faith would come with pow’r.
God gave Pentecost to Peter
God gave Pentecost to Peter
God gave Pentecost to Peter
Their faith was in God’s pow’r!
Before he came again to judge,
He came to save one man;
Revealed through him the mystery
Of God’s eternal plan;
It was for all that Christ had died,
for life he rose again!
Our faith in Christ alone!
God gave Paul a dispensation
God gave Paul a dispensation
God gave Paul a dispensation
Our faith in Christ alone!