2021 Ambassadors Seminar

Seminar 2021

This seminar is over. The recordings are available below.

Theme: Rightly Dividing Our Walk

When: Saturday, October 16 / Sunday, October 17, 2021

What: The seminar theme was Rightly Dividing Our Walk.


Do you struggle to understand how you ought to walk as one saved by grace? What part does the law play? What does it mean to walk after the Spirit? Or perhaps, there is no such thing as a grace walk and we should all sit this one out.

There are a lot of instructions in the Bible about how to walk, but not all of them are directed at you. Christianity has given people two left feet for too long. There is a need to rightly divide our walk.

Rightly dividing the Bible should make the Christian walk extremely practical and plain. If your walk is not straightforward, attend this seminar and gain the assurance of understanding your walk in Christ by the grace of God.

Saturday, October 16

Session Topic Speaker
Session 1 You Can Walk Dustin Fulkerson
Session 2 Walk in Him Justin Johnson
Session 3 Walk by Faith Jeremey Johnson
Session 4 Walk as Dead Dustin Fulkerson
Session 5 Walk After the Spirit Justin Johnson
Session 6 Walk Worthy of the Vocation Jeremey Johnson

Sunday, October 17

Session Topic Speaker
Session 7 Walk Worthy of the Lord Jeremey Johnson
Session 8 Walk Toward the Mark Justin Johnson

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