The gospel of salvation is the gospel of the grace of God.
If the gospel is of grace, then it is no more of works (Rom 11:6). The grace part consists of the work Christ performed by the cross on your behalf. You did not perform at all.
Salvation is not of works. The gospel today is not of works.
The law of God described righteous works. Know the law and you will know what the gospel of grace is not.
All the above are good things to do. All the above are described or derived from the 10 commandments in Israel’s law.
None of the above can save you. Salvation is by grace through faith, not works (Eph 2:8-9). None of the above should be what the church preaches for salvation. The law of God is not the gospel that saves.
If you are saved by the grace of Christ, you are dead to the law. You cannot get life by doing good works, but you receive eternal life through faith in the gracious work of Jesus Christ.
For Truth,
Justin “dead to the law” Johnson