Audio: Seminar 2018:05 – How Salvation Works

Taught by Jeremey Johnson on Saturday, October 13th, 2018.

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There is only one way for a righteous God to save sinful humanity. That is by the cross work of Christ, his death, blood, burial, and resurrection. Salvation is always by God’s grace through man’s response of faith. Though this is true for everyone at all times under any dispensation, this one way, the means of salvation, was kept secret for a long time. Men did not know how God could save. In order for God to accomplish and provide salvation Christ must be sent and the cross must be complete. That this was kept secret means that men in time past were not looking forward to the cross, they were looking forward to salvation of which they could not yet explain. But now we can.

Listen to more of the 2018 Ambassadors Seminar – Salvation Made Clear.

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