No Excuses

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Saturday, June 11th, 2016.

Romans 1-3 leaves every man guilty and without excuse before God (Rom 1:20; Rom 3:10).

Even so, many will be surprised when they die and face the Lord Jesus Christ in judgment (Heb 9:27).

Excuses won’t be accepted on that day, but if they were these would be the most popular:

  1. The Pope/pastor/devil made me do it
  2. I paid other people to do it for me. Do you take Visa?
  3. This judgment is a mistake, a better rendering would be…
  4. I was caught up in the moment (2 Cor 4:17-18)
  5. I didn’t know you were watching
  6. This is a violation of my human rights
  7. I did worship you, I worshipped all the gods
  8. I don’t believe in you, this judgment does not exist
  9. Wasn’t Christmas and Easter enough?
  10. You should be more open-minded
  11. You’re a bigot, you should be more loving
  12. I didn’t think you meant to be taken literally
  13. You wrote a book?! When? I didn’t hear about it (Rom 10:17)
  14. I was born this way
  15. I thought you wanted the best for me
  16. I did more good things than bad in your name
  17. I didn’t have enough time
  18. I’m a self-made man, what did you ever do for me?

“God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” – Romans 5:8

There are many excuses men bring to God. None of them are valid. Man has already been concluded guilty, and today God is declaring the only one way to be saved.

Christ died for our sins, and resurrected from the dead to offer salvation and eternal life freely to all that believe.

Salvation is simple. Salvation is a gift of God. You will have no excuse before God. You have no excuse not to believe the gospel.

Trust the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ who was made sin for you. Do it now and you will have something better than an excuse, you will have salvation.

For His glory,

Justin “” Johnson

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