September Survey Evangelism

Justin Johnson

Every September the local university hosts a community fair on campus to acquaint the students with businesses and churches in the area.

So, we paid the pittance to rent a space and put free Bible study resources on the table as we do during our summer fair ministries.

While other ministries had basketball, food, and entertainment, we were the only space that highlighted our Bible study material.

The only verse on basketball in the Bible is found in Genesis 6:4 where it says “there were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that…” Here is a local giant basketball player that stopped by to discuss our material.

In order to engage the students at this short 3-hour event, our table also offered a simple survey for a chance to win a basket of Bible study material (books, highlighters, tracts, etc.)

Surveys are an easy way to evangelize while finding out what people believe. The survey does a lot of the work. The grace ambassador is there to give the right answer when they are done. (Students expect to get graded.)

The surveys worked marvelously! We received over 160 surveys (almost 2 surveys per minute). Above is a swarm of students having discussion before filling out their surveys.

The survey consisted of one simple question: “What makes you a Christian?” It turns out it was not so simple for the students. Here are some real surveys.

The right answer is trusting Christ’s blood, death, burial, and resurrection, and not any work we do including the work of water baptism, confession, or prayer. Less than half got the right answer (and some of them guessed since it was multiple choice).

Many Christians do not understand the gospel of Christ crucified (which means they are not saved). They have been told the empty evangelical gospel of accepting Jesus or having a personal relationship with him (which does not save from sins).

Notice the student survey above did NOT check the cross, but instead described their personal relationship with Jesus. Something is not being communicated in churches.

Here is an example of someone failing to rightly divide by checking every box. The gospel of grace is supplemented with works by blending verses to Israel with the gospel of grace to the church today. Nearly half checked multiple answers and added works to the cross.

7 out of 10 Americans identify as Christian, but only a third think it has nothing to do with their work. This national statistic was consistent with what we found in our small survey as well.

Good evangelism work is needed. It need not be complicated, but it must be clear. Most people do not understand the simplest gospel truths that a child can learn.

The survey was not designed to trick or confuse, but to learn their honest belief. It also generated questions about salvation, so there always opportunity to clarify the gospel.

Evangelism through surveys or tract tables is relatively easy and enjoyable. Most of the effort is in setting up and taking down the tables. Thanks for the help, team!

Once they are setup, the right resources will stand out.

At the events we attend, there are no other tables that preach the clear gospel of the grace of God. We need more such evangelistic activity (1 Tim 2:4). Find out more how we do this ministry here.

We enjoy our summer fair ministries. Each year we hand out thousands of resources (including tracts, books, Bibles, and Bible verse balloons), and have dozens of conversations.

What a blessing it is to minister the gospel to college students who are looking to understand salvation and the Bible. An additional blessing and joy from this sort of work is the edification and encouragement from fellow members of the Body who work together to do the will of our Head, the Lord Jesus Christ.

“From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.” – Ephesians 4:16

Thank God for every opportunity!

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Published: September 16, 2022
Last Modified: September 16, 2022
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