When an apostle quotes a prophecy it is good to have knowledge of the source to understand why it was referenced.
Often only a small portion of the prophecy is quoted and the meaning can be lost if we do not understand the prophecy in its original context.
When we reached Romans 9 in our book study of Romans we found Paul quoting many prophecies concerning Israel and not the Church.
That’s why we went back to study Obadiah and now Malachi verse by verse in preparation.
Why Obadiah and Malachi? They are the key to understanding passages like Romans 9:13 which cause so many people to err in understanding salvation.
We must understand the prophets, and Israel’s program if we are ever going to see clearly the contrast to the mystery of Christ (Rom 16:25-26).
Prophecy and mystery are different, but it is on the backdrop of prophecy that the mystery is manifest.
All scripture is profitable. Study the prophets, then, rightly divide.
Find our 4 week Obadiah study and Malachi introduction online.
For His glory,
Justin “check the source” Johnson