Studying prophecy in your Bible is easier than you think.
First, prophecies are not all allegories, types, and cryptic language. The prophetic figures that exist are clearly explained elsewhere in the scripture. Most prophecy can be read in its plain sense.
Secondly, Prophecy becomes much easier to understand when it is rightly divided from the mystery information (the church, heavenly places, dispensation of grace).
Since the subject of Prophecy is Israel and God’s kingdom on the earth, there is little room for erroneous interpretation applied to the church and world today.
We can learn a lot from prophetic scripture about God’s righteousness and faithfulness to keep his promises. Like the other scriptures they can give us hope in God’s faithful character (Rom 15:4).
Prophetic scriptures will help you understand the Lord’s earthly ministry, the Hebrew epistles, and those places where Paul is speaking about Israel.
Yet, not one prophecy talks about what God is doing today, which is according to the revelation of they mystery of Christ (Rom 16:25).
(Be sure to listen to our most recent series on Prophetic Fulfillment.)
For His Glory,
Justin “all scripture” Johnson