Looking for Signs

Justin Johnson

Remember a couple years ago when it was popular to talk about the tetrad lunar eclipses which were called blood moons? Well, it’s happening again.

The peak of the annual Perseid meteor shower is this weekend (enjoy!). A week later is the great American solar eclipse (be there!). There is even buzz by the same failed experts of the past about not so rare star alignments occurring in September around Christ’s birthday.

The great lights in the sky are moving again and giving us all a great show, but what does it all mean? What is God trying to tell us? Are they signs? Perhaps even signs of times?

You betcha!

Signs of Times

In the beginning God created the sun, moon, and stars to be for signs and times and seasons (Gen 1:14). This explains the mathematical precision of their course and our scientific prediction of their occurrence.

But the prophecy pushers go past the times on the calendar and say they are signs of the end times of Bible prophecy.

God indeed told Israel about specific signs in the sky that would accompany the fulfillment of certain prophecies (Joel 2:31).

Paul even says…

“…the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom;” – 1 Corinthians 1:22

Yet, this is precisely why the body of Christ does not require a sign, and is not told to look for them.

The Body of Christ Does Not Require a Sign

In the body of Christ, there is neither Jew nor Greek (Col 3:11; Gal 3:28). We are not Jews; we do not require a sign.

Everything we need to know for operation as the church has been revealed in the revelation of the mystery of Christ, not in signs in the stars.

Our salvation is not something that comes in the end times, but something that has already come! It is here now (Rom 5:11; 2 Cor 6:2)!

“For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,” – Titus 2:11

We are to set our affection on things above the stars, not our attention on things in the stars (Col 3:2).

Israel was told to look for signs in the heaven to know when Christ would return to dwell with them. According to the mystery, Christ is in us already (Col 1:27).

The end times of Bible prophecy (and their accompanying signs) will not resume for Israel until God is finished with his ministry of reconciliation through the body of Christ.

The Power of God on High

God has all power to make stars and signs in the sky, yet it is not the stars that display the power of God today: it is Christ (Rom 1:16). Salvation is not in signs, but in the Saviour.

Instead of requiring a sign, Paul says:

“But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness; But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.” – 1 Corinthians 1:23-24

Not looking for signs is a stumbling block for those stuck in prophecy. Preaching Christ is unscientific for those who look for a naturalistic solution to sin.

Our only sign of salvation is the empty cross and tomb of Jesus Christ (Gal 6:14). That is a sign the whole world needs to know about, and we’ve been told to preach it.

I will watch the amazing celestial phenomenon that started with God’s creation, but will not look for signs from God when the Lord Jesus Christ has told me to make all men see the fellowship of the mystery. It would be a dereliction of duty to draw their attention away from the true wisdom and power of God in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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Published: August 12, 2017
Last Modified: September 27, 2019
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