The Key to Contradictions

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Saturday, February 14th, 2015.

Dispensational right division is the key to understanding the Bible with all its contradictions.

Taking God’s words literally without rightly dividing ends in failure, Bible mistakes, and doctrinal confusion.

Don’t believe me? Consider these contradictions.

They cannot be resolved without mid-Acts dispensational right division.

The popular response to seeing contradictions is to try and remove them.

Popular removal methods include, “that is not what God meant” (spiritualization), “that is an unfortunate translation” (Bible correction), or “there are no contradictions in the Bible” (denial).

All of these methods constitute a failure to leave the Bible alone in its plain literal meaning. Trying to remove the contradictions produces doubts about whether God truly inspired the Bible and can actually say what he means.

Stop trying to remove the contradictions. Let them be, and explain them with the key to understanding the Bible.

The only way to let God be true, possess a Bible without error, and take it literally is to start rightly dividing.

For His glory,

Justin “keymaster” Johnson

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