Manliness is Not Godliness

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Saturday, March 18th, 2017.

Manliness describes what it means to think like a man.

It is manly to grow more hair on your face than your head.
It is manly to leave the toilet seat up.
It is manly to think every problem can be solved, but not every problem needs to be talked about.
It is manly to think you do not need any help, and can work your way out.

This is how a man thinks.

Godliness describes what it means to think like God. God’s thoughts are not man’s thoughts.

The way we learn God’s thoughts is to hear and study his words, and to talk to him in prayer (Rom 10:17).

Hearing, talking, and not trusting your own strength is not a very manly thing to do. Then again, manliness is not godliness.

The Christian life is found in trading the way we think with how God thinks.

When a man learns this this he will have increased in godliness, and will have made great gain (1 Tim 4:8; 1 Tim 6:6). The same goes for women.

For God’s glory and grace,

Justin “still a man” Johnson

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