Christians worship God.
The Bible teaches the Lord Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh (1 Tim 3:16).
Biblical Christians believe Jesus is God, and worship him as God.
Nevertheless, there are teachers who call themselves Christians and read from Bibles that diminish or deny the deity of Christ. Avoid them.
There is no true doctrine that makes Christ any less than God at all times.
If Christ was just a man, then he was not God.
If Christ was created by God then he could not be God.
If Christ putting on humanity diminishes his deity, then he is no longer God.
If Christ could not exercise every attribute of God at all times then he was never fully God.
If Christ is not God then the Bible is wrong; Christianity is a farce; and there is no salvation from sin.
If Christ is not God, then our faith is vain at best and sinful at worst.
Christ is God, and has always been God.
“For in [Christ] dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.” – Col 2:9
The less Christ is God, the less Christian you are.
For His glory,
Justin “in Christ” Johnson