Lord Jesus Christ

The Never Changing Jesus

The Man Christ Jesus

The Second Person In The Godhead

Distinguishing Persons In The Godhead

The Triune God

Why Jesus is the Only Saviour

Pray For Christ’s Sake

Image of the Invisible God

Romans 6:8-11

How Christ Gave a Ransom for All

How Christ Died for All

Jesus: The Transfiguration

Jesus: The Night He Was Betrayed

Jesus Reveals the Mystery

Romans 1:3-6

Jesus: Death of a Testator

Jesus: God Manifest in the Flesh

Jesus: Kingdom Mysteries

Jesus: Prophesied Life

Jesus: Minister of the Circumcision

Chart: Jesus Through The Bible

How Grace and Truth Came

The Only Immaculate Conception

2 Timothy 4:1

2 Timothy 4:1

Jesus Did Not Become a Sinner

How to Believe in Jesus and Go To Hell

What Jesus Learned

Why They Killed Jesus

Isaiah 61:1-3

Another Jesus

Isaiah 53:8-9

Isaiah 53:4-5

Isaiah 53:1-3

Isaiah 52:13-15

Isaiah 50

Isaiah 45:17-25

Isaiah 45:1-17

Isaiah 43: 18-28

Isaiah 43:1-18

Isaiah 42:13-25

Isaiah 42:1-12

Jesus Our Lord, God, and Saviour

Isaiah 11:1-10

Survey: New Testament References of Isaiah

The Faith of Jesus Christ

Mark 13:32, Who Knows

The Omniscience of Jesus Christ

The Last Words of Jesus Christ

Could Jesus Sin?

The Divine Incarnation

Seminar 2018:04 – Who is the Saviour

Bernie Sanders vs. the Apostle Paul

Bernie Sanders vs. Justin Johnson

Mark 13:32 and the Deity of Christ

Jesus Knows All Things

Jesus Never Wrong

Christ Foretold

Heresies About the Incarnation

5 Things Christ’s Resurrection Accomplished

1 Timothy 3:15-16

Seminar 2016: 04 – The Person of Christ: God in Flesh

Hebrews 4:15-5:14

Do You Really Know God?

The Mystery of Godliness

Knowing Jesus The Same God

Isaiah 52:13-53:3

Describing God

11 Reasons You Need Jesus Christ

God’s Reputation

Christ the Object of Faith

Was Jesus God at the Cross?

Christ Our Righteousness

Who Do You Think Jesus Is?

God’s Reputation

Philippians 2:6-8

God Manifest in the Flesh is Not You

Red Letter Issues

These Three are One

Jesus Christ The Same

Knowing the Lord Jesus Christ

Paul is Proof of Christ’s Resurrection

The Hypostatic Union

Holding the Head

Joint-Heirs with Christ

Christ Did Not Need Faith

Christ is God

Sin and Your Identity in Christ

The Headship Verse

The Natures of Christ – Problem Verses

The Natures of Christ – Humanity

The Natures of Christ

The Natures of Christ – Deity

Jesus Equals God Minus Nothing

The Treasures of Knowledge

Should I Be Water Baptized?

The Preeminent Jesus

John’s Gospel: Proof Jesus was God

Jesus, the God-Child

Verse List: Jesus as God

Does Hebrews 13:8 Contradict Mid-Acts Right Division?

Jesus Is God