Which King James Bible Do You Recommend?

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Friday, August 11th, 2023.

There are two things to consider when buying a King James Bible: text and format.

There are text variations between publishers to consider. (Note: These variations are not even in the same ballpark as changes made in other Bible translations.)

Some publishers more cavalierly make updates regarding spelling and capitalization. Other publishers hold more strictly to the historic editions.

I recommend those who do not make the changes. The text you will be looking for is the Cambridge text King James Bible. It most consistently represents the final editions of the King James Bible following 1769.

The Cambridge text King James Bible can be obtained from Cambridge University Publishers which hold the Royal Letters Patent in England for the King James Bible.

You can also find printers such as Church Bible Publishers, Hendrickson, and Trinitarian Bible Society printing the Cambridge text. If you are looking for this text avoid Thomas Nelson and Zondervan Bibles.

The second issue is format. Considerations here are print size, margin size, cross references, and notes.

This choice comes down to preference and eyesight.

I prefer a Bible with no notes (not even Scofield) and minimal cross references (which I prefer to add myself). A wide margin large print no references Bible is on my pulpit and my study desk at home all the time.

If your main concern is eyesight and you need large letters to see better, then you may need a giant print, not large print. Giant print Bibles increase text size significantly, and if you are concerned about the small font size even in Bibles advertised as ‘large print’, then go with giant.

Since King James Bibles are becoming obsolete to the chain Christian bookstore/coffee houses you will likely have to look online to purchase a good one.

You can get the Bibles described above for a good price from sites such as…

For God’s pure words in your hand,

Justin “trust the book” Johnson

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